VA QSO Party 2022 – Reflection

The 2022 Virginia QSO Party took place in early March. Now that the dust has settled, I wanted to post a summary of my planning and activity in the contest. The short summary is that 2022 was a great year to participate in VAQP. Activity levels were high and the Band conditions were mostly favorable.... Continue Reading →

Time Out for the Virginia QSO Party

The VA QSO Party will take place next weekend, and I invite you to participate if you have the time and interest. We would love to see the number of participant increase this year. There has been a pretty good turnout recently, and last year it seemed like we had a higher-than-normal number of out-of-state... Continue Reading →

First Trial of Horizontal Loop

I installed a prototype 40m Horizontal loop for testing in a recent contest. This was a test to see if a low-elevation loop would be useful for NVIS propagation, as I was trying to maximize the number of close-in stations I could work. If it showed promise, it might be something I would use for... Continue Reading →

VA QSO Party 2016 – Two for the Road

I went mobile again for the 2016 Virginia QSO Party, using the callsign KT4KA. I use that callsign so as not to confuse everyone when calling CQ (with my normal "3"call). The goal this year was to beat last year, and hopefully win the Mobile all-Band category. No matter what happens, this is always enjoyable.... Continue Reading →

VA QSO Party 2012

Had a great time working the annual VA QSO party. This year I spent half my time from my fixed location in Lancaster county (LAN). Then I went mobile to attempt to provide contacts from several hard-to-find Counties in the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula regions of Virginia. The mobile operation included about 10 Counties... Continue Reading →

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