WSPR with Yaesu FTDX-3000 – Part 2: Getting Receive and Spots working

After my initial issues with WSPR on this radio (see Part1 WSPR Post), I did some online searching. I found that there is a frequency Offset setting on the FTDX-3000 for "Other SSB Modes," which I assume means Digital Modes. There are many settings, and each is briefly described in the User Manul, but there... Continue Reading →

IC-7600 RTTY Settings for MMTTY

I have posted these before, but people keep asking about the settings to use for RTTY on the IC-7600 with MMTTY. So this post provides my latest settings. This article provides my latest MMTTY settings screenshots. I am using it with N1MM+ Contest Logger. If you are having trouble using MMTTY with another program (N1MM+... Continue Reading →

RTTY Transmissions Off-freq with MMTTY

I participated in the NAQP RTTY contest this weekend. I normally use 2 radios in contests. In this one, I setup for RTTY and started the contest. Nobody could hear me with one radio (IC-7600) using an all-band dipole/doublet that normally works quite well for US contacts. The Radio was setup using N1MM+ with the... Continue Reading →

RTTY with FTDX-3000 and MMTTY

I have finally gotten this setup working fine and decided to save all the details. You can find a description, along with all of the screen TABS from MMTTY set to get this working on the Digital Modes Page on this Site. Good Luck! Here is how it looks once I got it all together.

FTDX3000 USB Virtual COM Ports

Setup of the USB interface with the FTDX3000 is very simple but it can seem confusing. It is only confusing because people may not be familiar with the idea of a Virtual COM Port, which only exists inside the USB connection between the FTDX3000 and the PC. Yeasu has done a nice job of implementing... Continue Reading →

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