WSJTX Caused FTDX3000 Blinking Green RX LED

I have been using WSJTX with Yaesu FTDX3000 for many months. It had been working fine, but the recent version 2.5.4 causes an issue with the Rig when I try to change Bands. If I use the WSJTX software to change Bands, there is a relay click and the RX LED starts to blink. While... Continue Reading →

RTTY Transmissions Off-freq with MMTTY

I participated in the NAQP RTTY contest this weekend. I normally use 2 radios in contests. In this one, I setup for RTTY and started the contest. Nobody could hear me with one radio (IC-7600) using an all-band dipole/doublet that normally works quite well for US contacts. The Radio was setup using N1MM+ with the... Continue Reading →

Important N1MM+ Antenna Config Changes

I just installed the latest version on N1MM+. I have been looking at using the Antenna Data provided by N1MM+ for controlling my antenna switching. In the latest version, the Change Log shows two changes that were made to the Antenna Configuration table: Alt-F9: Fix issue with 1.8 and 3.5 in Antenna table when country/locale... Continue Reading →

RTTY with FTDX-3000 and MMTTY

I have finally gotten this setup working fine and decided to save all the details. You can find a description, along with all of the screen TABS from MMTTY set to get this working on the Digital Modes Page on this Site. Good Luck! Here is how it looks once I got it all together.

RTTY Test with IC-7600 and MMTTY

I used the North American RTTY QSO Party this weekend to try and get MMTTY working with N1MM for RTTY using my IC-7600 radio. It took me about 2 hours to get it all working, and the result is good. Here is a quick screenshot It is all nicely integrated. It was a little strange... Continue Reading →

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